Robin Vanbesien
Robin Vanbesien

Robin Vanbesien's recent work seeks a poetics that is rooted in the politics of prefiguration and its social imaginaries. As part of this recent work, both the film Under These Words (Solidarity Athens 2016) (2017) and the publication Solidarity Poiesis: I Will Come and Steal You (2017) take their vantage point from the popular assemblies in Athens and inhabit an explorative, curious, and open-ended search for what Raymond Williams called a "structure of feeling": a kind of feeling and thinking that is social and material. Vanbesien's work has been presented recently in, amongst others, Contour Biennale 9 Coltan as Cotton (Mechelen, BE), Athens Biennale 5-6 OMONOIA (Athens, GR), WIELS (Brussels, BE), Lumiar Cité (Lisbon, PT), Objectif Exhibitions (Antwerp, BE), Netwerk (Aalst, BE), Extra City (Antwerp, BE), Vooruit (Ghent, BE), Beursschouwburg (Brussels, BE), Drop City (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK; Düsseldorf, DE), Rupert (Vilnius, LT), Mu.ZEE (Ostend, BE).