Stephen Graham
Stephen Graham

Stephen Graham is a scholar and author who researches cities and urban life. He is Professor of Cities and Society at Newcastle University's School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape. Prof. Graham has an interdisciplinary background linking human geography, urbanism and the sociology of technology. He uses this to explore the political aspects of infrastructure, mobility, digital media, surveillance, security and militarism emphasising, in particular, how these work to shape contemporary cities and urban life. His books include Telecommunications and the City, Splintering Urbanism (both with Simon Marvin), Cities, War and Terrorism, Disrupted Cities: When Infrastructures Fail, Cities Under Siege: The New Military Urbanism and Infrastructural Lives (with Colin McFarlane). Prof Graham’s latest research focuses on the political aspects of verticality. A book on this theme – Vertical: Sewers, Skyscrapers, Satellites (and Everything in Between) (Verso) – is currently in preparation.