Marcus Bastos is an artist, curator and researcher on the areas of convergence between audiovisual, design and new media. He is PhD in Communication and Semiotics at the Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo, where he works since 2003. Bastos is the author of the e-book Recycling Culture (NOEMA Gallery, 2007) and one of the editors of the e-book Appopriations of the (Un)common: public and private space in times of mobility (Sergio Motta Institute, 2009). He edited, with Lucas Bambozzi and Rodrigo Minelli, the book Mediation, Technology, Public Space - A Critical Panorama of Art in Mobile Media(Conrad, 2010). He was curator of Noise on Video (Itaú Cultural Institute, 2005), of the exhibition Cellular Geographies (Telefonica Foundation, 2010) and of VIVO Arte.Mov - International Festival of Art in Mobile Media (2007-2011). Among his most recent projects are the multimedia opera HO: city lights (ProAC, 2012), the audiovisual composition she, lonely, thinks of that (Circuito SESC de Artes, 2010) and a video essay about the Operation´s Field, project by Nelson Brissac, José Resende and Heloísa Maringoni (2012). He was director of experimental documentaries such as Giuseppe, etc (2011) and Free Radicals (2006). He developed, with LAT-23, the webdocumentary Visible Cities (2010, Rumos Itaú Cultural Expanded Languages Program) and the mapping and QR-CODE narratives about Augusta Street 2346 (2009, São Paulo School).