Rasheedah Phillips & Moor Mother (Black Quantum Futurism Collective)
Rasheedah Phillips & Moor Mother (Black Quantum Futurism Collective)

Black Quantum Futurism Collective is a multidisciplinary collaboration between Camae Defstar (Rockers!, MMGZ) and Rasheedah Phillips (The AfroFuturist Affair, Metropolarity) exploring the intersections of futurism, creative media, DIY aesthetics, and activism in marginalized communities through an alternative temporal lens. BQF Collective is inspired by afrofuturism, quantum physics, and african traditions of spatial-temporal consciousness. They weave science fiction realities with african concepts of time, ritual, and sound to present innovative works that offer practical ways to escape time loops, oppression vortexes, and the digital matrix. BQF Collective has created a number of community-based events, experimental music projects, zines, and an anthology of experimental essays on space-time consciousness called Black Quantum Futurism: Theory & Practice Vol. 1 (featured in the “Unveiling Visions” exhibition at Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture). BQF Collective is a 2016 A Blade of Grass Fellow and 2015 artist-in-residence at West Philadelphia Neighborhood Time Exchange. BQF has presented, exhibited, or performed at Stony Island Arts Bank, WORM! Rotterdam, Live Worms Gallery, Temple Contemporary, and more.